Support our Film

Support our crowdfunding campaign for complementary access to the screening room once the film is released!

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Production is standing by:

There are no open casting or crew call positions. Use the form on this page to email Production. Please allow up to 48 hours for a personalized response if one is required.

You can also use this form to report a technical glitch on this site – please accept our thank’s for pointing it out, and excuse the mess as we fix it up.


We need your help!

It’s been a tough few years for artists and we’re crowdfunding to help make the rest of this film happen! Contact production to get your brand featured online as a corporate sponsor, or let us know how we can work together!

We’re a team of dedicated Canadians doing what we love. By putting this website and trailer together, we hope you see our commitment to the project, and like the story enough to support it.

By making it available to affordably watch on our own website, we hope to make it as accessible as possible, without ad-intrusions or frustrations for the viewer.

We’re thankful for all the support we get and hope you enjoy the film.

When you support us, you’ll get access to our online Streaming Room to watch, ad-free and in the highest definition possible!

To download your Digital Perks or to watch the film, you’ll need to log-in, which requires a username and password. Like a mini Neflix!

Your access is immediately assigned at the time of making your pledge to support the film though this website.

You can make a pledge via PayPal without creating an account, though to redeem your Streaming Pass or Digital Perks, you’ll need to create an account and follow the instructions sent via email.

Please create an account here.

To make it easier on our marketing elves, please use the same email address as your PayPal account so we can assign you access to your exclusive perks. 

If there’s a mismatch in email addresses or you don’t get access within a week of your donation, please accept our apologies for any lost letters and get in touch so we can fix it right away.

Yup. It’s a lot of work to make a film and we’re taking our time to do it right. Your support helps push us though the last production hurdles, which is paying people a proper living wage!

Everything AI has to offer is based on humans, and humans will be the ones to make this film because we want to keep doing what we love. Even this website was built by a human in Ontario. Local, talented humans. Ok AI rant over.

AI was used once by the writer to generate conceptual character images based on his detailed original descriptive writing. It’s a great way to demonstrate an appropriate use of computer tools, and the producer has strict policies in place to limit the use of AI in the production.

Well ho ho hold up, let’s chat about that. Please contact us here.


Taking you behind-the-scenes!